

On public transport

The nearest large railway station is Gent-Sint-Pieters. In front of the railway station take bus 49 “Gent-Herzele-Geraardsbergen” to Lemberge (a small village with only one stop, about 25 minutes on the bus). Turn left onto the Burgemeester Van Gansberghelaan in the direction of Melle. ILVO's building is a kilometer away from the bus stop, clearly marked with an ILVO sign.

By car

On the E40 from Brussels: leave the motorway at exit 16 (Merelbeke). Follow the signs for “Faculteit Diergeneeskunde” (Faculty of Veterinary Science). Take the bridge over the E40 motorway. At the first roundabout (the entrance of the Faculteit Diergeneeskunde) drive ahead along the Salisburylaan, then take the first left to Lemberge. Look for the church on your left, and then take the first left toward Gontrode. You are now on the Burgemeester Van Gansberghelaan. Follow this road for about 500m to the Scheldeweg. The site is on your left, clearly marked with ILVO signs.

On the E40 from Ghent, or as an alternative route from Brussels, leave the E40 motorway at junction 16 (Merelbeke). At the roundabout, follow the signs for Wetteren. At the first roundabout (the entrance of the Faculteit Diergeneeskunde) drive ahead along the Salisburylaan, then take the first left to Lemberge. Look for the church on your left, and then take the first left toward Gontrode. You are now on the Burgemeester Van Gansberghelaan. Follow this road for about 500m to the Scheldeweg. The site is on your left, clearly marked with ILVO signs.

From the E17: follow signs for the R4 ring road at junction Destelbergen. Take the R4 in the direction direction Wetteren / E40 Brussel. Take the E40 motorway, direction Brussels. Leave the E40 motorway at exit 16 (Merelbeke). At the roundabout, follow the signs for Wetteren. At the first roundabout (the entrance of the Faculteit Diergeneeskunde) drive ahead along the Salisburylaan, then take the first left to Lemberge. Look for the church on your left, and then take the first left toward Gontrode. You are now on the Burgemeester Van Gansberghelaan. Follow this road for about 500m to the Scheldeweg. The site is on your left, clearly marked with ILVO signs.

Burgemeester van Gansberghelaan 119
9090 Merelbeke-Melle